Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Rat Race.!

Not much time is left..
maybe one week..if lucky then two.
then the inevitable will be there..
can't say for the better or for the worse.
but it will be there..

so much i hate this Rat Race.
i want to despise it..
but unwantly so..
i am a part of it too..
running for earthly motives..
and baseless reasons..
not even with the will to run..
nor with the strong legs to do so..
but can't stop..
pushes and shoves will bring be down..
and then the rest will run over me..
and keep on running..
they are engrossed in the greed..
greed to be ahead..

some lose in it..
donno what becomes of them..
some are exhausted out..
and broke down, just like the one i heard 3 days back..
i don't want to be either of the two..
but i also dont want to be in this
rat race..!!

How things will be..
after this week. no idea..
the ecstasy of success..
or the anguish of loss..
i donno about that..
but i have to keep running..
in any case..
run in the Rat Race.!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Crying.for nothing..
no sorrow.. no loss..
no happiness.. no smile.. no ecstasy either..
"but then why the tears..??"
maybe for the nothingness..

pain is the feel for me..
nothing else..and all the time..
"where,,,some reason for it..??"
can't is the thing m used..
no where and every where..
reason.. i think the same..nothingness..

wishes..yeah i remember what it means..
had a few glittering ones for me as well..
but don't remember them now..
just remember i had some..
"where are they gone now..??"
maybe in that same.. nothingness..

I do nothing now..
no upcoming..dates to look for..
no hopes..or moments i await for..
just sit all day long..
"doing what..??"
crying for nothingness..

Not the Same,, Not anymore.!!

WELL upto now.. it has been a really shitty blog..with the same of non-sense post..well i donno about shitty.. but post will change now..(as someone visits my blog..) but i i'll add my it from now on..!!

Tryin to be a active blogger from now on..!!